Research Reports

2020 Principals Survey
Released January 2021

The purpose of the survey was to gauge CESA schools on several issues of principal preparation and pipeline within Christian education. We highlight some key findings in this research brief. It is our hope that the themes illuminated by the survey raise opportunities for self-reflection as school leaders consider how they can be more faithful in their pursuit of educational excellence and in their respective vocations.


Fall 2020 Opening Report
Released September 2020

The purpose of the Fall 2020 Opening Report was to better understand trends in enrollment, financial aid, and content delivery methods with respect to the 2020-21 school year.  With comparisons to NAIS trends,  an analysis of the trends and a discussion of potential impacts, this report can be used by leadership teams to understand the landscape and plan.


CESA Return to School Plans
Released July 11, 2020

The goal of this report was to analyze the plans of our schools with respect to instructional delivery and tuition models. While we all recognize that variables are changing minute-by-minute, and local context matters more than ever, this descriptive report has been compiled to give you the most recent plans of your cohort of like-minded Christian schools.