Opens on October 15, 2024  

Join us as we continue this immersive community that creates space for ideas to percolate, thoughtful conversations to unfold, and a connection to something bigger than our day-to-day – the advancement of excellence in Christian education. With Short Courses delivering timely content to you and Affinity Group Roundtables meeting to discuss the most pressing issues you are facing in your role, The CESA Collective enables this peer network to “spur one another on” (Heb 10:24) in the work He has given us.

Who should participate in the 2024-25 Collective?
All staff and board members of CESA Member of Council and Candidate Schools have full access to The Collective, and there is content for everyone. If you are not a CESA Member of Council or Candidate School, reach out to Katie (kwiens@cesaschools) to get your school enrolled.

How does the 2024-25 CESA Collective work?
Take a look at the calendar below to see all of the sessions we will be hosting this year. On October 15, this calendar will be “live” with calendar links to each session embedded, but you MUST log onto the website with your CESA username and password to access the links. Having trouble logging on? Ashley ([email protected]) will take care of you! 

Additionally, you will receive calendar invitations to relevant sessions throughout the year.  These live sessions are the best way to engage in the content and community.  However, the Short Courses will be recorded if you have to miss them, so check the Short Course folders after logging onto your profile to access those recordings and the resources shared by our speakers and peers. 

Revolution OfficeThe CESA Collective is sponsored by Revolution Office. We are pleased to share our strategic partnership with Revolution Office. Partnering with Revolution will save your school 30-50% on copier costs. Contact Peter Brown ([email protected]) to partner with them today!

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What are we learning this year?

CardusThe Cardus Education Survey (CES) examines the school-sector effect in the lives of a nationally representative sample of high school graduates aged 24 to 39 across five sectors: traditional public schools, Protestant Christian schools, Catholic schools, nonreligious independent schools, and homeschooling. In addition to asking graduates to evaluate their school experiences on a range of factors, the CES also asks about their educational attainment, workforce outcomes, civic formation, faith formation, and choices around marriage and family.

Mark MayfieldDr. Mayfield
is passionate about ensuring Christian schools are places where students and adults are cared for. With the mental health needs of our communities increasing, Dr. Mayfield’s Biblical approach to school wellness will equip leaders to better serve their schools.


Mark CheneyPeak performers aren't born; they're made! Everyone can learn the skills and attributes necessary to perform at their best. This series will explore how directors of athletics, arts, and academics can harness the power of of research on mental performance to equip students to thrive.


Will PercyWith teacher morale at an all-time low and an ever more Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) world, it’s no wonder that school leaders and teachers around the globe are experiencing burnout.  Th thrive in our current context, we need to reimagine teams, moving beyond the individual-driven paradigm of to a more inclusive approach to school leadership and teacher development.

Jim MarshNew Candidate Schools and heads new to the CESA Institutional Review are encouraged to attend these sessions, which will equip leaders to better understand the CESA Review process and standards.



RoundtablesThese informal times are designed to allow leaders to connect, troubleshoot, and share wisdom and experience. We have roundtables scheduled for the following groups:



  • Lower School & Early Education Leaders
  • Middle School Leaders
  • Upper School Leaders
  • Heads of School
  • Assistant Heads of School
  • Christian Life
  • Student Support
  • Artificial Intelligence


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